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Model Role Model?

Model Role Model?

It’s nice to know that some people in fashion recognize the superficiality of their industry.

Model Cameron Russell gave a refreshingly honest presentation of the ugly side of the pretty profession at the series TED.  What surprised me the most was when she said that the photos from her shoots are not actually her – she describes them as the “reconstructions” of hair and makeup artists. I am so glad she recognized this publicly. So many women drive themselves crazy trying to imitate the images of women that simply don’t exist.

TEDxMidAtlantic 2012 - Cameron Russell

Cameron Russell (Photo credit: TEDxMidAtlantic)

I think the biggest bombshell she dropped was – GASP – that models are the most insecure women ever. Yup. No lie. Click the link above if you don’t believe me and read for yourself!

It doesn’t seem to make sense, does it? Models are sought after for their beauty, and their looks and style imitated thousands of times over. How can they be more insecure than the rest of us?

Answer: Their lives and careers revolve around their appearances. They are PAID to look their best 24/7. This means they have to scrutinize every flaw they have and find a solution for it – or lose potential jobs to someone even more flawless.

My grandmother was a model back in the day, and she lasted two years. She quit two months after joining an agency that sent people to check on her and the other girls to make sure they were “taking care of themselves” – ie, they sent employees to spy on them to make sure they weren’t out eating cheeseburgers and ice cream. If they were caught, they were fired on the spot.

Think about it – does living that kind of life really sound so glamorous?

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